Author Archives: ladyentomologist

Coffee, Steroids, and Antibiotics: Writings of a drugged graduate student.

Writings of a drugged graduate student…who is stuck inside due to poor weather and cannot get any field work done today. A blessing!!! So, readers, I have neglected to write since, oh, I don’t know, FEBRUARY. I’d say it’s about time for an update. I made up my mind, actually, to let blogging go altogether. However, I checked my page today for the first time in months and found that I was getting 500+ hits…daily. With that, I was inspired to give it another go. Some people knit for fun, others cuddle up with a good book, watch movies, play with their pets… But once upon a time, I loved to write. Therefore, I shall write.

^^^ I want a dog so badly it hurts. In fact, this past Spring I wrote a petition to my landlord as a plea to change the “no-pet” policy. Needless to say, it was turned down.

And now I should explain the title. Because my 20+ field plots are wrought with poisonous plants (poison hemlock, poison ivy…not to mention deer ticks and an over abundance of mosquitoes…) I have managed to obtain several poison ivy rashes throughout this spring. So far, none have caused too much fuss. However, a couple weeks ago when I was crouched down on my knees doing pitfall trap repairs, I somehow got it all over my left knee (even though I was wearing pants and knee pads. Incredible, really). The rash started as a normal reaction: Itchy, bumpy, kinda warm. Then it morphed into something new, entirely. In fact, I’ve seen nothing like the colorful, juicy work of art that my knee has become.

^^^ You know how super heroes often become the thing that ails them? Batman. Spiderman. Maybe one day I will become Poison Ivy! I’d love to have red hair!

White and yellow puss drips out of the red, swollen, cracked wound. The yellow puss is blood plasma that leaks out of the agitated blood vessels which come to the surface of the skin in the act of fighting off allergens. The white stuff? No idea. So, last night when I finally owned up to the fact that my whole knee joint was actively aching, I decided that it was most likely infected and I needed some doctor to throw the book at me.

^^^ “My goodness, child! What is wrong with your leg?!”

After visiting the clinic, I have been put on oral and topical steroids, an oral antibiotic, and I bought myself a cup o’joe to reward myself for such medicinal punishment. Anyone who knows me personally, knows that Starbucks coffee gives me the shakes and makes me urinate a lot more than usual. Why do I continue to get coffee there? Well, I do not drink much coffee in general, and I probably haven’t gone to Starbucks in several months at this point…but I love the taste of coffee. And there is something soothing about a yummy beverage after a visit with the doctor. So I will subject myself to some shakes and many trips to the ladies’ room throughout the day…just for a couple hours of warm, sweet nostalgia that I get from a little green mermaid on my cup. Delicious.

^^^ “Sweet Jesus, I need some Starbucks!”

In other news, Boater Boy and I are working on reuniting. What can I say? I’m not sure I ever fell out of love with him. We are taking things slow, going on dates, and discussing whole new sets of “Hopes” and “Dreams”. I am optimistic. No one has ever loved me like Boater Boy does. And, dare I say it? I’ve never loved anyone the way I love Boater Boy. I’ve been “dreaming of adventure” on my Facebook profile for about 5 years now…and he’s the greatest adventure I’ve ever had.

^^^ “Let’s get down to business. What are your hopes and dreams?”

I think that about covers the update. Next time I get on here, I will write about something funny. But for now, I’m actually going to get some work done. Au revoir and good day!

And another one bites the dust…

And no, I am not talking about the Queen song (although it’s a good one!). I’m just going to say it: third serious relationship is over. There is not much to it, really. We were not right for one another. And frankly, I have no interest in broadcasting details. Boater Boy and I will remain very good friends over the years, I am sure. Meanwhile, I have been focusing on bouncing back from another breakup. Although I am certain that this is for the best, it doesn’t change the hurt part. There will always inevitably be hurt when a relationship ends.

^^^ True story!

Even so, my focus on taking care of myself has made me a MUCH happier person over the past few weeks. I have been getting a lot more work done, which allows for more fun with friends and less stress for me! For a good bit, I really lost sight of my own needs and became bent on forcing my relationship to work. “We love each other! It HAS to work.” Well, my friends, love is not always enough. But it will always teach us something new. Like learning to ride my bike in the street with 5 o’clock traffic, or how to broil steak in the oven. All in all, the situation turned out as perfect as it possibly could.

^^^ Yay! I am so proud of my street-biking bravery.

Now I have this huge ugly thing hanging over my head. My colleagues call it: “The Proposal”. I must draw up a massive document giving detailed explanations on exactly what I will do for my master’s project. Ew. Different advisers have different expectations for their student’s proposals. Mine happens to expect a lot. This is not a bad thing. It will be unenjoyable now, but will help me as Spring approaches and my field season begins. Which reminds me, I NEED to get out into the field SOON so I can start digging pitfall traps to catch bugs with. Always a joy!

^^^ I found this amazing cartoon for pitfall traps on Google. It’s just a Solo cup stuck in the ground. But I suppose this might be how the insect feels when he gets caught. Poor guy.

In other news, my lady friends and I went salsa dancing last night! Few things cure the breakup blues like a Latin trumpet and bongo drums. There was a live band in the back corner of a sweaty bar on the shadier side of town. Old, dusty ceiling fans rocked back and forth above the dense crowd of people, all trying to swing their hips seductively, not minding that they were constantly bumping into everyone around them. It was a fabulous night, fully equipped with red lipstick, good drinks, and fantastic music. Hallelujah for maracas!

^^^ I love this painting. It’s like Van Gogh, Renoir, and an anonymous Spaniard were smushed together to create this piece. And the woman reminds me of the character Gertrudes from the book “Like Water for Chocolate.” …a recent favorite of mine 🙂    Anyway…it’s supposed to be a Latin woman dancing.

New Year, New Me!

Happy 2011, readers! I did warn you all that it might be 2011 by the time I got around to writing again and it seems that I made the right prediction. I will hearken back to the days when I was a wee-itty-bitty freshman at my undergraduate University near coastal Virginia when someone said to me, “Well, you are not a real college student until you have endured your first set of finals.” I carried that mentality with me up to the present, and now that I have successfully completed my first semester as a graduate student in Entomology, I feel more like a real graduate student. The midterms, papers, presentations, and finals have all come and gone. The verdict? All A’s! Now, this ‘all A’s’ thing might sound grand, but truly, it is not like getting a 4.0 at an undergraduate institution. Here, you are measured by your innovative abilities in the research arena, and you are expected to get all A’s (or close to it). After all, you are a graduate.

Herein lies my first New Year’s resolution:

1. Do good research. This year, I want to think more like a scientist and more like an entomologist. I still feel so new and past brainstorming about my project has left me feeling very lost. “How do I know which methods to use? I can search the literature but how do I know where to look? And will I know a good technique when I read it?!”  But I know much more now than I did when I started back in June and I am determined to man-up to this challenge. My first field season begins this Spring and will run into the Summer. Gearing up for April is my primary focus this semester. Look out, invasive weeds!

^^^ Oh yeah.

2. Become more physically flexible. Most you that know me are aware that I love physical activity. Running, lifting, biking, kayaking…  There is one thing I have severely neglected and that is my flexibility. Being physically flexible will allow an athlete to be more resistant and resilient to injuries. Flexibility will also improve an athlete’s strength. I have gotten into the terrible habit of doing my cardio then weights, but entirely skipping the cool-down stretch. Not anymore, my friends!

^^^ I keep telling myself that I should take up yoga. Yeah right.

3. Find a hobby. When the first semester was gearing up, I had a new boy-friend to keep me entertained. However, now that Boater Boy and I have been together for almost six months, I need a REAL hobby. I was considering signing up for swimming lessons with the University Aquatics Center. Also, once upon a time, I took middle-eastern dance classes. Maybe I will try that again! I thought about knitting, or scrap-booking, or some other at-home hobby, but none of that appealed to me. Maybe volunteering for the animal shelter? Who knows!

^^^ When I typed in “Swimming” for Google Images, this photo showed up and I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. This is ridiculous.

And with that, I must sign off. It is snowing outside and I have been indoors, ill for the past four days. I don’t care if I have to traipse through the bad weather, I want OUT! So I am off for an adventure. Maybe I will test how well my bike rides in the snow.  Until next time, readers!

To write, or not to write. What a stupid question!

Hello? Is anyone out there? I would not be surprised if I have lost most of my regular readers, seeing as I have not written since JULY. I do sincerely apologize to those of you who check up on me to see how I am getting along. You have been mostly left in the dark for nearly three whole months! So I must ramble a bit…

I have have been considering something very seriously for a while. And that something is whether or not to continue with my blog. It used to be that it was very therapeutic for me to sign on and share all my unguarded thoughts with the world. There was something refreshing about just letting it all out, whether I was annoyed with Kleenex on top of toilets or GREs. However, I am finding myself in a place now, where I want to discuss these thoughts with myself (and close friends, of course). Allow me to restate: When I need to vent now, I do not crave the act of reaching out so much as I crave a pen and paper for myself. I want to JOURNAL! That’s right, readers. JLo will be journaling.

^^^ A new tactic, perhaps?

Now, with that out of the way, I have also decided AGAINST doing away with the blog. The blog is still something I enjoy doing for fun every now and then, and does in fact act as a form of journaling. But let this be your “letter of notice” that my blogs will be much less frequent. No more once a week entries. I will simply throw things on here when I feel it is necessary. Maybe funny photos…theories on life…or just short updates….Because that narcissistic part of me still kind of believes that a couple of you out there like to read more than my once-a-week facebook status updates (calling all aunts, uncles, grandparents, parents, and undergraduate family). So have no fear! You will still hear from me!

At last, I will provide an update. I am progressing in my research for a Master’s in Entomology. Classes are busy as ever, but I feel that I am doing well (for the moment, at least). But I should stop talking about all the boring stuff and give you the information you REALLY want to hear.

…I met someone. OF COURSE! The very first day I officially arrive here, my research adviser introduces me to a young lad who is a student that works in the front office of the Entomology Department. “Christine, this is Boater Boy. He will handle all your traveling arrangements…”  ::Boater Boy stands up to shake my hand over his desk::  He is as blond as a streak of sunshine. That night, some girls from my lab offer to take me out to a local bar where the graduate students like to hang out. Boater Boy is at one end of the table, while I, at the other end, converse with the ladies. They ask me about Virginia and what I like to do for fun.

^^^ Boy meets girl. Oh, typical.

“Fun? What’s that?” I respond jokingly. I then went on to inform them that I actually do have fun, despite the busy student lifestyle. “I love hiking and kayaking and…” They interrupt me immediately.

“Kayaking?! Where’s Boater Boy?! Boater Boy! Come here! She has a kayak!” I thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head. We sat next to each other for the majority of the evening, showing off our pocket knives and talking about outdoor sports. The next day, my lab left for the Arachnological meeting in North Carolina. As soon as I returned, Boater Boy and myself joined some friends of mine from DEQ for a short boating trip in Virginia. I had made up my mind that Boater Boy and I would be fabulous friends….But he had other plans.

^^^ Can’t you see the wheels turning?

Suddenly, I became very apprehensive about relationships. “Am I ready to belong to one person again? I’m not ready to be a girl-friend. I don’t want a boy-friend. I’ve been single for a year and half. What on Earth made me think I wanted a boy-friend?!” I was hesitant to progress in our relationship and I shared this with him…even though all I ever wanted to do was go for another bike ride with Boater Boy…or plan another dinner with Boater Boy…or dance around the living room with Boater Boy…  But he was patient and told me he was just happy hanging out with me. This was a relief.

Then one day it hit me. A mutual friend of ours works in my lab; I confided in her while I was in my undecided predicament. “I really like him…But I JUST got here! I’ve been flying solo for so long! I should be focusing on research!”

She asked me,”Well, would you be jealous if you saw him with another woman?”  At the time, I responded confidently,”No way! He’s his own man right now. Let him date! He should see other people!” So her response was simple, “Well then don’t worry about it right now. If you both are having fun hanging out, there is no reason to stop. Just know that you must allow him the same freedoms that you may want for yourself.” I understood this and agreed. The only thing that was missing from this equation was: Boater Boy and myself never seemed to want to spend time with anyone else but each other.

^^^ Soon, it became impossible to deny how much fun I had when I was with him.

A few weeks after that conversation I was driving around downtown, probably heading to Target or some such wondrous place…  And I thought to myself, “Wouldn’t it be cool if I ran into Boater Boy while I am out? Wouldn’t it be terrible if he was with another girl!!!”  GASP! I’m in a relationship.

^^^ “Oh dearie me! What shall I do?!”

So that was the end of that. Or the beginning, I should say. Who knows where we’ll end up! If you readers don’t recall, I set goals for myself at the closing of my last relationship. And I feel that I am doing a decent job of sticking to those goals, axing my preconceived notions about relationships and all my “grand plans”. You never know who you are going to fall in love with, and Boater Boy is a prime example of that. I never expected it, not for a minute. It just happened! So, I will let it keep happening, because I am having the time of my life, largely in part to him. In the words of Fleetwood Mac: Boater Boy, “You make lovin’ fun.” And with that, I shall sign off until next time. That would be next week, next month, or next year. But you all will hear from me again, I’m sure. And if you’re really anxious for updates, CALL ME!



The Writer

Arachnids, Team Tassel, and a warmer home.

Readers, I have been trying desperately to write an update about my new life in Kentucky, but alas, said “new life” has kept me incredibly busy over the past month. That is correct; it has been nearly a full month since I have written! It is my hope to write up one final update post and finally get around to writing something more enjoyable. For example, “How to grow poison hemlock,” or “How to avoid a bike collision in downtown Lexington, Kentucky.” These are all interesting topics, I know, but some of you are wondering where in the heck I’ve been over the past 30 days. As a result, I invite you now to join me on a stroll down memory lane. Again, I will break things up into Parts, so you may skip around as you please.

^^^I love biking to work!

Part 1: My first American Arachnological Society Meeting, June 11-June 15 2010

This was the perfect introduction into my lab. Let me begin by assigning nicknames to my lab members. There are three PhD students, one post-doc, and one lab tech who are all under the instruction of my primary advisor. I will name him “Dr. Mix-A-Lot”. Everyone except for the lab tech, whom I will dub “Bette”, piled into a tiny mini-van and headed to North Carolina. The day before, I had loaded up my own itty-bitty car and drove to Kentucky on June 10th so I could travel with everyone to East Carolina University for a fun-filled week of spiders. It was like going to summer camp, really.

^^^ I typed “Summer Camp” into Google Images and this was one of the first images I got. I think it’s kinda cool…

Now, I won’t go into too much detail, but suffice it to say that Dr. Mix-A-Lot was disappointed when we arrived in Greenville ten minutes too late to grab some free adult beverages at the afternoon reception. One of the things I have learned about this lab is that the people here have mastered the balance between work and play. Everyone in the lab works hard and plays hard. Over the past couple years, I have set a goal of reaching this yin and yang balance, similar to author Elizabeth Gilbert’s journey in her memoir, “Eat, Pray, Love.”

^^^ Wonderful book. I would suggest it to anyone!

She eats for four months in Italy, prays for four months in India, and loves for four months in Indonesia. So, in relating Gilbert’s philosophy to my lab, the author expressed that Italy was a place of pleasures: eating, drinking, and being merry. India, however, was place of discipline where she lived in an Ashram, doing nothing but mastering her meditation and yoga skills. At the Ashram, she stuck to a rigid diet, rose each morning before the sun came up, and scrubbed the temple floors on a daily basis.  Finally, she arrived in Indonesia where she sought a balance between the two: Love. It was her mission to experience both worlds in their greatest intensity, then find a way to experience both pleasure and discipline, simultaneously. Balance. I believe I have found a place that exercises a similar way of life.


While at work, everyone is conducting meaningful research and largely contributing to the field of Entomology. The graduate students in the lab are notorious award-winners. Some members of the lab arrive as early at 6:00 a.m.! But on the weekends, or during times of relaxation (from lunch hour to Saturday night), members of my lab bring any scene to life. At the spider meetings, our entire group was accounted for in every talk for three straight days of countless 15-minute lectures. Then, after dinner, we would hit the town for good ole North Carolinian fun, skipping around Greenville into the wee hours of the morning. After our four-day trip, however, I was exhausted and ready to return to Kentucky…where I would then turn right back around to go back to Virginia.

Part 2: Team Tassle, Operation Honeymoon! June 17-24

During my last week in Virginia, I went kayaking, camping, and danced the night away at one of my Dad’s band gigs followed by stuffing my car yet again for what I thought would be my last trip to Kentucky. I had been invited to one of my lab-mate’s bachelorette party and wedding that would each take place on the 24th and 26th, respectively, in Louisville, Kentucky. So as one might assume, that meant more drive-time for me, but this made no difference; I was delighted to be included in Sunshine’s (that is what I will call her) special day.

^^^ “Am I finished yet?”

The bachelorette party was tons of fun. I believe there were 18 women present total. Walking down the city streets of Louisville, our group turned quite a few heads. At one point, a gentleman standing on the sidewalk saw us coming and commented to himself, “Damn. How many accidents do ya’ll cause tonight?”

^^^ Ah, the antics ensued…

Dinner was held at the Old Spaghetti Factory where the management decided it was a good idea to stick our entire table with A SINGLE WAITER. I felt so sorry for the guy. Eighteen hungry / tipsy women waiting for pasta + lack of service = potential for disaster. Luckily, all the hens were too busy chatting away to really be bothered by the lack of food. After getting our food around 9:30p.m., we presented naughty presents to the bride and hit the town, as bachelorettes are wont to do!

^^^ “The Old Spaghetti Factory” had a festive interior!

The party was a blast. The ceremony was lovely. The reception was great. Only one thing missing… Sunshine has four fields of corn that unexpectedly decided to release their pollen tassels…the week after the wedding, one week before the couples’ honeymoon. For the next week, everyone in the lab worked hard to remove the pollen bundles from two football-fields of corn so Sunshine and her new hubby could enjoy their honeymoon. This team effort earned us the name “Team Tassel”. We were on a mission for “Operation Honeymoon.” By the next Friday evening, the day the couple was supposed to depart, the corn had been de-tasseled. Mission accomplished.

^^^ A familiar scene. When working in the corn, it is important to where long pants and long sleeves because the corn husks will create small cuts on any open skin it comes into contact with.

During that week, my presence was requested back in my hometown for, you guessed it, wedding dress shopping!!! A childhood friend of mine is getting married next summer and actually wanted my opinion. I hit the dusty trail that Friday to spend two days at home, then head back to Kentucky for July 4th. Of course, she ended up choosing the very first dress she tried on! It was must have been fate.

^^^ “Which one, do you think?”

Part 3: My house-warming party! July 10th

As a new member of the Dr. Mix-A-Lot community and as a proud new inhabitant of a lovely brick townhouse next to the University’s campus, I thought it necessary to host a little house-warming party. My parents were due to visit on a Saturday and Sunday; what better time to have a party than that?!  And for the cherry on top, my roommate (who I will name “Tater-tot”) was able to drive in from another Kentucky city where she is interning at a law firm. I announced my pot-luck at the beginning of the week and everyone jumped on the bandwagon.

^^^ Behold, the college student’s food pyramid!

There was gluten-free cornbread (yay!), kielbasa and sauteed vegetables, bacon-wrapped cheese-stuffed jalapenos, homemade spring rolls with peanut sauce, farmer’s market fruit salad, peach cheesecake, northern baked beans….I know I am leaving half of the smorgasbord out, but I will be drooling if I keep this up.

^^^ I love potlucks! And entomologists can COOK!

That morning, Tater-tot and I headed downtown to the farmer’s market where we were eagerly greeted by the restless, hungry citizens of our college town. The pavilion was a bustling mess of local vendors who sold everything from homemade jellies and jams, to lamb-sausage and decorative wildflower bouquets set up in jars. Nut-butters were being churned on the spot and the smell of ripened melon drifted whimsically into my nostrils. I was on sensory overload in such an infinitely wonderful way and there are no words to describe the excitement I felt in being introduced to such an event. And it was truly an event! The farmer’s market usually takes place during the summer on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Of course, Saturday mornings are certainly the busiest.  Women ride in on their red bicycles, adorning their straw hats and carrying satchels to collects the week’s food for the family. I had to practically be dragged through the market as I stumbled wide-eyed behind my lab-mates that met us there.

^^^ Fresh produce = happiness.

At my first farmer’s market, I purchased an extremely large cantaloupe ($3), a rather healthy-sized potted plant combination ($10), and created my own bouquet of six Gerber daisies, three asters, and one sunflower for only $4!!! Tater-tot and I made it back to the car with our giant shrubbery and produce and spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon preparing our home for guests. My parents arrived soon after we got home and the four of us scurried around, hanging artwork, vacuuming, cutting food, and arranging furniture. My house actually looks like a HOME!

^^^ I’m pretty sure this is my potted plant that now sits nicely on my front porch. I have a porch! A coleus, maybe?

For closing remarks, I am sure many of you are interested to know what my WORK is actually like. Besides spending time out in the corn fields for Sunshine, I have been reviewing some literature in the lab as well. I will tentatively be working on the poison hemlock plant from the family Apiaceae. So with that, I must away! I have some seedlings to tend to in the greenhouse. Until next time, readers!

^^^ I’ve always wanted to work in a greenhouse!

The Pugh Cup, Dolly Parton, and feeding a small army.

Readers, I am well aware that it has been over a month since I have last written. If some of you recall, I listed off MANY activities in my last post that were to occur during the month of May. I return to you all now with wonderful tales of graduation, vacation, and festivities! Brace yourselves…this is a long one. In fact, you might want to read it in sections…

^^^ Graduation? Check. What’s next…?

Part One: Graduation and the Pugh Cup

The weekend of my graduation went mostly according to plan. I won’t bore you with my heralding tale of getting lost in my own college town while looking for a very inconspicuous Thai restaurant where I was supposed to bring together a chunk of my family to meet two of my beloved undergraduate professors and their own respective clans… I think you get the point. But after that mishap, the rest of the weekend ran rather smoothly.

^^^I was trying to find the place myself…and give my Dad directions on the phone… Note to self: Don’t try this at home.

Something I was not expecting, however, was the presentation of the prestigious “Pugh Award”…to me. Each year, the Biology, Chemistry, and Environmental Science Department votes on a senior student who has not only benefited the department academically, but also through his or her involvement in the community. Here’s a little history: Dr. Pugh was a professor who left some funds to the BCES department when she retired. These funds have helped the department purchase new research materials, take field trips, and provide a small sum of extra cash for each winner of the Pugh Award. This honor was completely unexpected by me, but what made it even more special was the fact that I received the award alongside one of my most treasured friends, “Dr. Crick”. Dr. Crick, which is my nickname for her here, was the founder of our campus Chemistry Club. We basically lived through Plant Taxonomy entirely together and although we were not immediate best friends, our relationship grew into something I could have never imagined. She was the first person to ever suggest that I attend graduate school one day. She is an amazing, woman, biologist, and a most beloved friend. We walked to the podium, arm-in-arm to see our names inscribed on a plaque, the first year that two students have been selected to receive the award. I will never forget that, for as long as I live. Dr. Crick will be attending graduate school at the University of Virginia.

^^^ This is what my Pugh Cup looks like! 🙂  It’s “pewter”…get it?!

As for my actual graduation ceremony, it came and went quickly. The day before, I received my Latin Honors and Departmental Awards, so the actual graduation ceremony fell short in excitement next to my previous celebrations. I consider this a blessing; I was ready to just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. So I woke up bright and early before the baccalaureate service, drove myself to Bojangles, and bought myself a Cajun chicken biscuit with tomato, just like the one my mom and I had in South Carolina on our way to visit graduate schools last summer. Even though the outdoor ceremony was moved inside due to severe thunderstorms the night before, my belly was full and I was happy.

^^^ “Hey! Add tomato! Southern girl gotta feed herself!”

After a very late lunch that Sunday afternoon following commencement, my family helped me round up the last bits of my belongings in the apartment, and I drove home that night for the last time as a student leaving her college town. It felt great.

Part Two: Family Vacation

Two days later, myself, my parents, and brother Jake re-packed our bags and headed to Pigeon Forge Tennessee! Months ago, my parents asked me about where I might want to go for a family vacation/graduation trip. I was surprised at this; quite frankly I did not care if we went anywhere! I was just going to be happy when it was all over. At the time, I still had the rest of a semester and finals to face. My first reaction was, “Grand Canyon?” I have yet to see the Wild West…and I don’t think College Station, Texas, counts.

^^^ I want to see the Grand Canyon so bad that it hurts.

They replied that, no, that kind of trip might be a little too ambitious for our budget. So I suggested Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. I’m a pretty outdoorsy girl, and I really wanted to see the dying Hemlock trees before the species was completely extinct. That suggestion seemed to sit well and the whole family hit the road the week after graduation to enjoy a peaceful cabin in the Great Smoky Mountains.

^^^ We stayed in a place kinda like this. It was so nice…and affordable!

Now, everyone knows it wouldn’t be a “family vacation” unless you include one of the following: Cheap go-karts, novel food experiences, or a theme park. We dipped into all three! In fact, we dove!

Brother Jake and I insisted in visiting the Kingdom of Dolly Parton: Dollywood! We are still kids at heart and love riding roller-coasters…Not to mention that I am a HUGE fan of Dolly Parton’s. Her voice, her music, everything she stands for, her hard-working mentality, and her genuine nature…you name a quality, and I love it about her. As we drove into the Park the morning after we arrived, I jokingly spouted from the back seat, “Dolly is going to come out and sing just for me! You watch!” I laughed at myself for the silliness. Little did I know that it was Dollywood’s 25th Anniversary and the Hallmark channel was on the premises filming Dolly and Kenny Rogers, THAT VERY DAY!

^^^ See?! Fun for the whole family. Dollywood is probably the prettiest theme park I have ever visited.

As soon as we set foot in the park, a nice gentleman greeter approached us and delivered the news. There would be a parade at 3:00p.m. and for the best view, we should stand near the front of the park by the “Dolly Museum”. My family and I got to see her before, during, AND after the parade. The greeter also told us that if we wanted to hear her sing, she would be filming a segment in the Park’s theater at 6:30p.m. but if we wanted to get in, we would have to get in line early; the filming crew would only take a couple hundred “extras” for the audience.

^^^ “Sing ‘Islands In the Stream’!!!!”

My awesome mom and dad staked a spot in line about an hour and a half beforehand and we actually got in! Dolly sang to us, made a little conversation on stage, and the crew filmed the segment a few times for good measure. It was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had. I know that one day, I will be telling and re-telling the story about how I got to see a country music legend and female icon three times in one day…on accident!

^^^ This is the stage of the Dollywood theater… Now imagine Dolly standing on it!

As many of you may already know, I am a Southern girl, and I love my Southern food when I am deviating from my mostly healthy lifestyle. Just outside the “holler” where our cabin was located, we found a little hole-in-the-wall building with a giant smoker parked beside the backdoor exit. “Let’s eat there!” We innocently stepped into the BBQ joint to find that apparently CNN rated the place among the best barbecue restaurants our nation has to offer. We ordered some to-go and hauled all the pulled pork back to our cabin for a late lunch after a long morning hike through the Great Smoky Mountain National Forest.

^^^ The Eastern Hemlock is the East Coast equivalent to the Giant Redwoods on the West Coast. They are standing skeletons now, after the invasion of the hemlock woolly adelgid insect.

That night, brother Jake and I drove to Knoxville (about 45 minutes away) and danced to the wee hours of the morning with some new friends. The UT Volunteers showed us such a great time, I am convinced that I must return for a feeding frenzy at all their delicious-looking restaurants. After four days, though, we were ready to make our way back to Virginia. Between the excitement of graduation and vacation, the whole family was wiped out. One final pancake breakfast set us up right for the drive home.

^^^ Downtown Knoxville, Tennessee, followed by blueberry-buckwheat pancakes = happiness.

Part Three: My Graduation Party…and lessons learned.

It was only one week after our return to Southwest Virginia that we were supposed to put on my graduation party / graduate school sendoff. Now, when I started making the guest list for this Open House event, I assumed three things wrongly (get this on record: I am admitting I did not do this the best way). Here is the list-

Things I assumed wrongly about Open House Parties

1) So what if I invited a ton of people! Fifty guests isn’t THAT many people…And besides, only a fraction of the people I invite will actually show up, right?

2) Just because I post a start time of 4:00p.m. on Sunday afternoon certainly does not mean everyone will show up then. It is an Open House. People will come and go, some early, and others late, allowing me plenty of time to socialize with all of my guests as they arrive sporadically throughout the evening.

3) Catering? Who needs catering when it’s at my very own house? Sure, I’ll pick up the potato salad at Wal-Mart and the pies at the bakery…But there is no reason I can’t chop up my own kielbasa and make my own five-bean salad! I’m Southern! That’s what I do.

^^^ “I can chop all this! Yeah! In no time!…yeah….I think…”

Ok readers…re-read that…and remember that it’s ALL WRONG! Addressing problem number one: Yes, it is true that many of the people I invited did not show up. Several were out of town or live far away so they could not make it…thank goodness. Looking back, I probably really invited near seventy guests, meaning that my top number of fifty actually showed up. Or maybe it wasn’t quite fifty, but it sure seemed that way. My house, and my large deck, for that matter, were bursting at the seems. Everyone seemed mostly comfortable but as the hostess, I was in a guest-swarm! I am not quite sure if I had a chance to say “hello” to each person that showed up. And even if I did, that is mostly all I had time for. Allow me to elaborate…

^^^ I kept Googleing “crowded house” but apparently there is a band by that name…I assume they had a similar experience.

So the first problem was that A LOT of people showed up. The second problem was that everyone seemed to show up right at the same time. In fact, a rather healthy batch of guests arrived at 3:30p.m. Ladies and Gentlemen, that is ONE FULL HALF HOUR BEFORE the party was supposed to start. Granted, it was my grandma. She is allowed to show up whenever the heck she wants to. My only reservation there is that about seven people came with her. I was still putting my face on when they arrived. Luckily, they were all family and didn’t mind at all that I had only plastered one set of eye-lashes up to bat. So as one might imagine, I had to pause and work on greeting all of them…in the middle of getting ready…and before I even had a chance to put all the food out on the table… Which leads to my final concession…

^^^ “Oh! You’re here! Let me go finish putting my face on…”

Truthfully, it never really dawned on me to get my party catered until about two days beforehand, and by then I was already up to my elbows in three different flavors of chicken sausage and tuna salad. I thought I was keeping it simple! All we had to do was throw together a giant bean salad, put store-bought potato salad in a bowl, chop some fruit for the fruit salad, put tuna salad on croissants, chop the chicken sausage with peppers and onions, throw it on the grill…  Simple, right? WRONG! While none of the preparation was really that complicated, I had no concept of what it would be like to feed that many people. It never occurred to me that someone would have to constantly refill the fruit salad bowl and that we might actually run out of kielbasa even though we grilled a whole tub full of chopped sausage, peppers, and onions beforehand. By 5 o’clock, all the kielbasa I had prepared for the grill was GONE. Almost all the sandwiches had been eaten, and I had yet to put out the desserts, which included my homemade Raspberry Buttercream frosted cupcakes that take three hours to make…one batch.

^^^ Yeah…someone has to refill those bowls…

So everyone came pouring in like the Great Mississippi flood between 4 and 5p.m. and I had barely even looked up from finishing the food before everyone was eating and it was all gone! It was a constant struggle of, “Mom! I need more salsa from downstairs! Oh hi Mr. Smith! It’s been ages since I’ve seen you and your family. So glad my mother invited you….MOM! The Salsa!”

^^^ “How do I do it all?!”

Aside from the craziness, the party was great and I did have a chance to finally sit down a relax when it came time to open gifts. People told embarrassing stories about me, allowing for a few laughs, and my degree of perspiration finally began to slow a bit. We finished the night off with some peanut-butter pie and ushered out the last guests around 10p.m. Mom and I lounged in out bathroom, as we always do, reflecting on what we had just created. The two of us, with help of my Dad, had put on a pretty darn good party. But we made one final, incredible, wonderful, perfect conclusion:

When and IF I ever get married, Mom and I aren’t doing ANYTHING! Not. One. Thing. We will show up for tastings. We will try on dresses. We will have a planner, caterer, photographer…and alcohol. And most importantly, she and I will focus mostly on ourselves. WE will have fun and not fret about all the little details because somebody ELSE will be taking care of it. She was actually the one who brought it up.

I can still hear her voice in that tranquil moment of reflection as she reclined in the bathtub, “When you get married, I’m not doing a thing.” Angels singing me to sleep on a cloud surrounded by ice-cream could not have sounded better. I tried to remain calm in my state of rejoicing, “I agree. We should have fun.” So that is our pact.

^^^ My mother is an angel…I’m pretty sure. Or she’s the Tooth Fairy. I can’t decide.

And with that being said, it’s not like I will be getting married anytime soon. The dating world has been a bit of a desert lately…Ok, for the past year… but I am trying to look at it as a blessing. I am about to move to Kentucky for graduate school; there is no need for me to be tied to anyone or anything. So I will continue to enjoy my last month in Virginia. This coming weekend, however, I will be in North Carolina for the American Arachnological Society meeting with my lab group. I will certainly blog about it at then soonest opportunity. Until next time, readers…

Drum Role: My College Finale

Readers, I realize that I have left some of you in suspense (not really, though, because most of you know me on facebook and have already heard the news…). I have chosen a graduate institution (and I’ll go ahead and disclose the name): The University of Kentucky! I decided a couple weeks ago and haven’t looked back since. I cannot even begin to describe how much easier life has been after getting that monster decision off my back. Selecting this University was a choice based on several factors.

1. As much as I was ready to “get away” and see the world, it suddenly hit me that if I needed to go home for a weekend, it would take a lot more doing (and money) to get back to Southwest Virginia from, say, Texas. What about all my friends that are getting married? What about my friends that are about to have their first-born child? It would be nice to be somewhat close to Virginia so I could get back to my roots if the occasion calls for it.

^^^ An all-to-familiar scene. I’m not so sure if I want to spend the next two years flying back and forth from school to home.

2. My advisers are incredible! I loved all the professors I met at each school I considered; however, I really felt at home in Kentucky. I will be co-advised between the Entomology Department chairman and a younger professor who was named one of the top up-and-coming insect ecologists at this past year’s ESA meeting. I find this to be an ideal blend: the older, more established professor, paired with the younger, rising star. To me, that’s the best of both worlds and you can’t beat that.

^^^ That is correct. My advisers are badasses.

3. While their research is not solely focused on plant-insect interactions, the lab I will be working in is ecologically based and studies predator-predator or predator-prey interactions. They have studied things like the way a spider will build its web to catch certain desired prey items in an agricultural setting. This ecological approach will prepare me for any interaction setting I may want to study in my future career.

^^^ Predator-prey, not to be confused with the film “Predator.” Although that would be kinda cool.

4. Even though the focus of the lab is mostly on predators, it has been made very clear that my project is MY project. If I can find a way to incorporate plant-insect interactions (which I am aiming for), I will be provided all the resources I need to uncover whatever natural mystery I have found in the field.

5. I also really like UK’s approach to training new students. With the other institutions, I would not have to move in until August. At Kentucky, they requested that I come out no later than July because they want me to have a jump-start on field work with the other lab members. In other words, I get to go out in the field, and watch. It will be my time to start turning the wheels for the formulation of my own ideas about my project. That means I have no assigned project to start with and it will all be from my creation! What reassures me about this method is the fact that other students from this lab have been very successful finding their own projects and performing research in this way. I cannot wait to get started!

^^^ Hmm…I wonder what’s happening down there…

6. I like Lexington, Kentucky. It’s a nice blend of countryside and metropolitan life. One second you could be downtown sipping a cup-a-joe in one of the MANY Starbucks. The next minute, you might find yourself on a farm, feeding carrots to the horses. There are many boutiques and fun shops to explore in Lexington but there are plenty of outdoor recreational activities that I may partake in! A friend from DEQ has already mailed the “Canoeing and Kayaking Guide to Kentucky” to my current apartment. Get excited!

^^^ All my lab-mates raved about Red River Gorge in Kentucky. I can’t wait to see it!

7. Finally, and possibly more importantly, the people in my lab seem to get along really well. They hang out on weekends, travel to conferences together, and after I e-mailed my decision to my primary adviser, it took all of them about two minutes to get on facebook and send me “friend requests.” I feel very lucky to have found such a cohesive group to work with!

^^^ I was treated to the best pizza in the world at the Mellow Mushroom in downtown Lexington. Their veggies pizza is sent from heaven, I am convinced.

So the plan is: Final exams end on May 1st. I move out and two weeks later, will return to my undergraduate institution one last time for the Commencement Ceremony where I will graduate Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and minor in Chemistry. During the two-week waiting period, I will visit Kentucky, transporting the bulky furniture to my new home, and meeting my new roommate! I will not name her yet…I want to wait til I have a chance to get to know her better so I may find a name that suits her!

I found my roommate on Craigslist after I posted an ad listing all the things I was looking for in a living space for my graduate experience. She responded cheerfully and after e-mailing back and forth a few times, we seemed to be a great fit! She leads an active lifestyle like I do an is currently working on her Law degree at UK, so she is obviously a very motivated, intelligent young woman. The two of us are already getting giddy about decorating our townhouse together just so!

^^^ We even talked about painting our bedrooms!

Some of you readers may know about my yearly involvement in the American Cancer Societies “Relay for Life” event. I have been a team captain for three years and since this was my last year, I really wanted to go out with a BANG! So I cut a deal: If my team raised $1000.00, I would donate my hair to Locks of Love, an organization that makes wigs for children who are victims of hair loss. Well…We did it! The team raised almost $1,200.00 and I chopped off all my hair! Now I have a cute little bob haircut and I LOVE IT!

^^^ I donated 10.5 inches!

The only thing I find interesting about this new “do” is how everyone proclaimed, “Oh you’re gonna love it! It’ll be so EASY to style!” Sorry folks, but I disagree. I have had long, straight hair my ENTIRE life and have never had to do anything more than wash it and blow-dry it to make it look perfectly decent. I never really learned how to style my hair because I never had to. I was lucky! But then after getting out of the shower the day after my haircut, I realized that I had no clue how to recreate the cute look that my stylist created on my head the day before.

^^^ I’m trying.

After returning to the salon to purchase products and seek council, I am now working on mastering the use of this thing called the “Round-brush.” Hairdressers use this thing constantly, but I have never really known anyone who has figured out how to successfully employ it on their own…and be happy with the outcome. Cher accompanied me to Target where I stared at the wall of round-brushes for several minutes, reading all the tags, waiting for one particular brand to “Sell me.” I finally gave in to Conair and will attempt to use this round-brush when I give styling another whirl tomorrow. Although the styling factor has proven difficult, I do love having short hair! It is so much fun to flip around…and I can feel the sun on the back of my neck! I have never had that feeling before!

^^^ “Which round brush is best for my new do?”

And with that, I should make a closing! Besides moving and graduation, I have lots of other fun things to look forward to during my very short summer break. Dad’s band has at least two gigs that I will be able to attend. There will be birthday parties, weddings, and my own graduation / going-away party that Mom and I are currently trying to figure out. My family finally made reservations for our vacation in the Tennessee mountains right after graduation. Some old friends of mine have already started penciling me into their calendars and we are ill with anticipation at the thought of catching up over wine and good movies. But before I get to do all these things, I must finish what I started four years ago. This is my final week of classes, followed by exam week. The finish line lies ahead. My hard work and good times are behind. With that, I gotta run!  So long!

My Summer To-Do List:

So I am getting nearer and nearer to the end of my undergraduate college experience. It has finally hit me that, yes, I will soon be a real person out in the real world…sort-of…because then I go straight back to school. I should mention that I have at least three official assistantship offers on the table from three really fabulous Entomology programs: one in Texas, one in Florida, and one in Kentucky. I will avoid disclosing exactly which universities these are, as I attempt to retain some anonymity as an online writer (or gabber, rather). Although I have visited all three and met all my potential advisers, I remain very torn between these three amazing school. Each are top 10 graduate institutions in Entomology (a couple are top 5) but that is not the only factor I am considering in making a decision. Tie-breaker: Which mascot looks best as my Facebook profile picture? Just kidding…maybe.

^^^ Decisions, decisions….

Anyway, as the weather begins to warm up (FINALLY!) my mind is distracted by all the wonderful things I will get to do during my short period at home before I head off to school…again. As usual, I will create a list of all of my summer goals. Who knows? I could be in a different time zone in a few short months and I don’t want to have unfinished business!

1. Obviously, I want to spend time with my family. This includes a family vacation happening right after my graduation ceremony on Sunday, May 16th. We’re not exactly sure where we are going yet; it’s either a mountain destination, fully equipped with white-water rafting and gazing at the ancient (and dieing) Hemlock tress, OR it’s a gulf-coast beach with powdery white sands, warm weather, tequila, and gazing at the dieing everglades! They insisted that this was “my vacation” since I am graduating and are trying to force me to tell them what I want to do. So I cut them a deal. “You pick some places that sound good to you; I get to pick one nature-related activity.” I think this should work out nicely; my family is a TON of fun! And brother Jake will take me dancing. 🙂

^^^ You know, I’m not a big beach bum, but I really can’t lose here…

2. HIKE! I think it would be really nice to do a small through-hike. Perhaps a week-long hiking trip with me and a bunch of my college friends. I should start hashing out dates for that.

^^^ That’ll be me with the giant pack where you can’t even decipher my body…

3. Kayaking! It is shameful how long it has been since I’ve put my boat in the water. Absolutely shameful. On my to-do list is a family trip involving my aunt, uncles, and cousin that all own kayaks. This is a must.

^^^ Hey! I’ve been there!

4. Meet my cousin’s baby girl!!!! My cousin had a baby a few months ago but because I am in college and she’s a busy mom, neither of us have had a chance to meet up so I could meet the baby. Again, shameful!

^^^ Do you hear something? Oh wait; that’s my biological clock ticking.

5. Volunteer for DEQ…again. I told DEQ I could help them out sometime this summer if they needed me. I probably won’t work for them on a daily basis but maybe I could help them out a couple times a week, just to give me an excuse to hang out on the lake and have fun with some great friends! 🙂

^^^ We “work” on this lake. Hehehe….

6. Volunteer at the SPCA. I have been having dog withdrawals for a while now and have made a habit of visiting the SPCA for dog therapy. But wouldn’t it be cool to have a real purpose in visiting?! I could help the animals and satisfy my craving for four-legged friendship.

^^^ Oh my gosh, sign me up NOW! Cher will appreciate this picture…

7. Cookout! Me and my family love to grill burgers on our deck during the summer months. Mom and I open the windows in the house, turn off the A.C. and turn on the ceiling fans while dad fires up the grill and turns up the music. We will sit outside for hours… I’ll say it again, my family is a ton of fun.

^^^ So familiar….

8. Graduation / Going away party. My mother mentioned something about having a little shindig at the house before the graduation ceremony (I have a couple free weeks after exams before the actual ceremony). We would invite the whole family (there are quite a few of us), some high school teachers, family friends, church friends, and neighbors…basically all the people who watched me grow up. And of course…we’d fire up the grill!

^^^ Like every other family in America, my family has much in common with the Griswalds. I love it.

9. Write “Thank You” notes. I have been meaning to write some really nice cards, not just “Thank You’s” to EVERYONE! Friends, family, everyone. I plan on parking my rump at the bookstore one lovely afternoon and writing cards.

^^^ Look how happy she is writing on her fancy stationery…

10. Eat right and get fit! I do a relatively good job of this while I am at school but the summer months are best. I am much more active and I don’t eat out of boredom from being stuck inside (a common downfall of mine during the winter months). This is crucial before I go off to grad school; I need to be ready to buckle down! I’ll go running during the summertime and my Mom and I go for long walks about four times a week. Those are some of the most fun conversations…

^^^ It’s me! But not really!

So basically, I want to eat, drink (that’s right, drink…), and BE MERRY! I want to catch up with old friends and family that I don’t get to see when I am away at school, and I want to do all those little chores that satisfy me as a person. I can hardly wait! And next time I write, I’ll tell you what state I am moving to!!!!!!!!! So long!

^^^ Yep. Me again. Minus the ‘stache.

5 things that were meant for me:

The other day, I was driving along in my itty-bitty car, listening to my all-time favorite song, when the thought occurred to me, “This song was meant for me. This has to be MY song. It should be played at my funeral.” I started brainstorming about other things that I felt a close kinship to. Now, understand that these random items are not simply things that I like; they are things that represent me, that I was destined to fall madly in love with, things that make me feel whole.

Before I start, you readers are aware that I’m not big on just blabbing about nothing without involving my readers in some way, so I am going to try to make this interactive. As I write (or type, rather), I really have no idea what 5 things I am going to list (except for that one song). SO! I will make 5 stipulations for my five things. And you can play along, thinking of the five things that were meant for you! Feel free to post your five things as comments! I would love to compare…

Here is the list: A song (one that has YOU written all over it; always has, always will), A food item (something you have loved forever), A location (one single spot; not a city or country), A hobby (something you have always enjoyed doing for downtime), A chore (in other words, something that nobody really enjoys doing but you somehow find it amusing).

1. My song: “Varaaga Nath” from the Tamil film “Sangamam.”    I have tried, and tried, and tried in vain to find the English translation of this song but after two years of an unsuccessful search, I think I’d rather not know. I know what the song means to me. It means life, happiness, chasing your dreams, ups and downs…And all that ushy-gushy stuff. My heart rate increases exponentially whenever I hear it.  However! I did find a video of the song from the movie on YouTube and will share it with you here!

Go there and you will be sure to find it!

^^^ This is the best image of “Sangamam” I could find. Very 80’s.

2. My Food Item: Peanut Butter. I am obsessed with peanut butter, though, I am not a huge peanut butter sandwich fan. I just like peanut butter ON things. Apples, bananas, tortillas, crackers, granola, cookies (any kind), ANYTHING! To me, peanut butter is the universal condiment. It makes my heart swoon.

I must say that this was the most difficult question to answer because there are many foods that I absolutely love. I almost picked sweet potatoes, but I don’t consume them on a daily basis. Then, I almost picked tomatoes but they don’t make me smile like a nice glob of crunchy peanut butter (although I do ask for extra tomatoes EVERY time I go out to eat and tomatoes apply to the dish).

It is true. I will generally consume peanut butter in some form on a daily basis. Even it’s just a little bit, I still eat it every day. I love that stuff.

^^^ The Fresh Market has one of these things. It’s SOOOOOO good. Geez, I just ate breakfast and now I’m hungry again…

3. My local: This is also a difficult question. I am very tempted to spout out some place that I have never been to where I’ve always wanted to go ::cough:: INDIA ::cough::. But I won’t do that. How can you know that a spot was meant for you if you’ve never been there?

The fact that I have not traveled much does not help this situation. Nonetheless, I have had the luxury of growing up in one of the most beautiful regions of the United States of America (in my humble opinion) and I hike… A lot. My place is: Roaring Run Falls. Back in my high school years, some of my friends and I made the tradition of an annual hike to Roaring Run after classes let out in June. We would literally walk out of the building, get in our cars, then drive to Roaring Run for a late afternoon hike. Before that, I hike to Roaring Run as a Girl Scout. It was one of my first hikes. Whenever someone asks me to take them on their first hike, this is the place I choose.

Also, Roaring Run happens to have a huge level of biodiversity! I would know- I do research there. The magnitude of different species of Ephemeroptera (mayflies) is astounding. We always leave these sites with vials fulls of mayfly nymphs, groaning at the identification that lays ahead of us.

^^^ It took forever to find a picture that I was satisfied with. And you know what? I’m still not satisfied.

4. My hobby- This is easy. Hiking. I was meant to hike. My legs were built short and sturdy, like a billy-goat. When there aren’t mountains close by (sad day), I LOVE to walk. The act of walking is one of the most refreshing hobbies one can take part in. Just ask Elizabeth Bennett from Jane Austin’s “Pride and Prejudice.” One of the reasons I loved her character so much was simply because she liked walking.

^^^ See! She likes walking!

I was recently asked what my favorite season was, and truly, I find this impossible to answer. BUT! One of the reasons I love summer is because it is never to cold to go on a walk…or a hike! Everything about it is meant for me. That glisten you get on your forehead once your muscles warm up. The peanut butter and apple waiting to be eaten at the top, jostling around in your pack. Dried mud on your calves that you’ve kicked off your hiking boots as you ascend… The greenery… The wildlife… Ok, I’ll stop. I have a bit of cabin fever. Can you tell?

^^^ “Wait for me! I wanna go!”

5. My chore: Dishes. I actually kinda enjoy doing dishes. Cleaning the kitchen in general is somewhat soothing to me. Of course, this isn’t always the case. But when Time finds me and there are dishes to be cleaned, more often than not, I will tend to the mess. One of my favorite things to do when I am home alone is put on some good music (usually the Bollywood variety) and dance around the house as I clean the kitchen. Shhh. Don’t tell anyone.

^^^ Now THERE’S something you don’t see every day!

Alright readers…this entry turned out to be a lengthy one! And now that I look at the clock, I am reminded that at some point, I have a Soils test to prepare for that is tomorrow. Agh.

Quick update: I stopped applying to graduate schools after I reached number 10 and have already gotten into a couple. Matter of fact, this week I am being flown out to one of these places for interviews! YAY! A free four-day vacation for me! I will update you all as soon as I can! Now it’s your turn to think about 5 things that were meant for YOU!

Exploring my iTunes

Greetings, readers! This will be a short entry, as I am supposed to be compiling a personal statement for one of the many universities I am applying to.

^^^ “I just LOVE applying to graduate schools! Paying all these application fees makes me feel SUPER!!!”

So the other day, I was scrolling through my extensive collection of music on my iTunes (I have almost 20 GB of music) and playing with different ways to sort my music. I clicked the “Name” tab to sort every single piece of music in my iTunes by name, alphabetically. Anyway, I thought it might be amusing to list some of those song names and artists so you can see just how many times the word “Baby” is used in song titles. Let’s just say there is a lack or originality in the realm of song titles.

  • 7 songs starting with the word “Ain’t.” Really?
  1. Ain’t It Fun- Guns N’ Roses
  2. Ain’t My B****- Metallica       (as an aside, I try not to use curse words in my writing…I am quoting here. I can only imagine what grad schools will think if and when they get a hold of my blog. Yeesh!)
  3. Ain’t No Mountain High Enough- Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell
  4. Ain’t No Particular Way- Shania Twain
  5. Ain’t No Way- Aretha Franklin
  6. Ain’t Nothing Like the Real Thing- Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell (c’mon guys! use new words)
  7. Ain’t Too Proud To Beg- The Temptations (apparently the “Soul” genre loves this word…)

^^^ Aw. They are cute. Ok, I forgive them for re-using lyrics.

  • 6 songs that begin with “Give”
  1. Give a Little Bit- Goo Goo Dolls
  2. Give It All Up- The Corrs
  3. Give It Away- Red Hot Chili Peppers
  4. Give It Up- ZZ Top
  5. Give Me a Reason- The Corrs
  6. Give Me One More Shot- Alabama (yes, I’m Southern)

^^^ Oh, Alabama. You bring out the redneck in all of us.   🙂   I love their music.

  • 12 containing the word “Little”
  1. A Little At a Time- Grady Tate
  2. Little Drop of Poison- Tom Waits (from the Shrek II soundtrack…great album, in my opinion)
  3. Little Drummer Boy- Pink Martini
  4. Little Earthquakes- Tori Amos (so talented…)
  5. Little House- The Fray (…on the Prairie?)
  6. A Little Knowledge (Is A Dangerous Thing) – Tower of Power (I don’t buy it…)
  7. Little Lies- Fleetwood Mac (one of my favorite bands!)
  8. Little Lotte/ The Mirror- Andrew Lloyd Webber (from “The Phantom of the Opera” soundtrack)
  9. Little Queenie- Rolling Stones (saw them in concert; I love Jagger!)
  10. Little Red Rooster- Rolling Stones (again, great song)
  11. Little Saint Nick- The Beach Boys
  12. Little Wing- Jimi Hendrix (I like to play Hendrix when I am doing lab work for some reason…I think it make me feel like I’m doing something epic)

^^^ I actually bought myself a head-band with Shrek ears on it. I wonder where that thing is….

  • There are 9 songs with the word “Cry” in the title
  1. Cry- Mandy Moore (it was on a soundtrack, ok?)
  2. Cry- Ray Charles
  3. Cry Cry Cry- Joaquin Phoenix (this was a Johnny Cash cover for “Walk The Line”; needless to say, he did a remarkable job)
  4. Cry Just a Little- Avantasia (ahh, Scandinavian metal…I’m glad you made it on my blog)
  5. Cry No More- Ryan Farish (this guy does easy listening music that is often played on the Weather Channel. I have all of his albums. I told you my favorite TV station was the weather!)
  6. Cry To Me- Solomon Burke (Great song!)
  7. Crying- Don McLean (Very talented singer/songwriter from back in the day. Anyone remember “American Pie”?)
  8. Crying Days- Therion
  9. Crying Time- Ray Charles (it would seem that Mr. Charles spent some time weeping…)

^^^ “And I love you so” is one of the most beautiful songs ever written. It makes me think of my granddad.

I wanted to include “Baby” but there were seriously too many. There were also many duplicates of the same songs. This small list is merely a sampling. Check out your iTunes and see how many repeats YOU have! You’ll be amazed. One thing I did notice: Lady Gaga has original song titles. Of course! Until next time, folks!

^^^ I love Lady Gaga. She is a walking installation piece.